just realised he has passed on while diggin on the Nash's mindpill blog(find it on the right). i dont get out much past the spraybooth swapmeet or classroom and I havent watched Hawaii 5-0 in a long time so im out of a lot of loops. My favorite all-time radio station is KSPC 88.7 www.kspc.org They have a radio show on sunday nights from 10pm-1am called the Boss Guy in Claremont. Its so RAd. John(the Boss Guy) has been spinning this show forever(i've been listening to it for bout 13 years now) and it is all ROCK from the late 50's to late 70's. one nite i hears this Alex Chilton track from his 1970 solo record that came out the previous year, 1996
paste this link and then play the track
Heavy Medley: Sugar Sugar/I got the feeling
I think i requested it every sunday under a different name and the Boss guy would be like man, this song is the most requested Boss Guy in Claremont song. sometimes my brother Nick would request the same song the same nite without my knowledge. this would annoy the boss guy.
Think about how heavy this is compared to the original archies version and the pop hits of the box tops. This song is BA-AD
this song is what Choppers should look like
1 day ago
Good Call. That riff sounds great all fuzzed out with the vocals.