Sunday, April 13, 2014

Respect and loss-Larry Pierce

You'd think as you get older you get more calused and resistant to hardships, but no.  I got not one but two late night calls from friends last night. At first I thought, they want me to come join them since it was not yet midnight on a Saturday night in California, but I was drifting off to sleep. Not for long. 
They told me that Larry Pierce, one of our invited builders for Born-Free was just killed in a tragic accident wrapping up his long time girl friend Ashley's 30th birthday party. 
There are no words that can make sense of this, especially if you knew Larry. He was larger than life with an even bigger sense of humor. He was someone you figured would live happily ever after. 

I met Ashley before I met Larry. It was early evening of the setup day of Born-Free 3 and we were rousting people out of the grounds for the night. I came around back of a big white box truck were people pointed to and said that's where they got the moonshine. I peeked in the back and a girl with a heavy southern accent greeted me. It was Ashley, she said they'd been selling moonshine out the back of their truck the whole way to California from Alambama to pay for gas. How could I be mad? She asked if I wanted some, Apple or peach? I chose peach. 
It was the bike Larry built that year that got mine and mike's attention and we figured we'd be stupid not to ask Larry to be an invited builder for Born-Free 4. 

I  greatful for the couple of years I knew Larry. People like him are more valuable than diamonds these days. He always made you laugh and would probably give you his beard if you needed it. 

My heart is heavy for his family. The one saving grace is that I am sure Larry made the most of the time he had here on earth. Please don't let life pass you by. 

1 comment:

  1. This Truely is a Tragety and when you lose anyone close to you it only seems to be magnafied. I didn't see that Ashley was involved or not? Our Prayers go out to the Family and Friends... God Speed.
